Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Justifying the Means

If you're like me then you got through High School and College with a severely addictive drug habit.  We all experiment at one time or another in our lives and most of society has accepted this particular brand of experimentation.  Whether you have used this drug recreationally, made it a daily part of your life, or simply know someone who has used or still uses this drug, you almost certainly are familiar with the epidemic that is gripping the United States and indeed the world.  I refer, of course, to the magic substance called caffeine.

There are plenty of articles out there which warn against over-using this drug. Here's one.

The Mayo clinic (you did click the link right?) asks "How much is too much?"  A valid question to be sure, and one I try to keep in mind.  I don't follow any of their guidelines really, I just know that I have been relying on it too much and now that I don't have papers and homework assignments keeping me up into the wee hours of the morning, I feel I should "free" myself from the control it has over me.

In the words of Cake: "Some people drink Pepsi, some people drink Coke, the wacky morning DJ says Democracy's a joke..." Now, I can't speak to the DJ (or rather I choose not to here), but I, for one, prefer Coke products.  For some it's Pepsi, for others it's coffee, I believe chocolate has some caffeine in it as well...but regardless of how people get this drug into their body, it is definitely big business.

For a recent college grad who will be in need of a new job in the near future, that last little bit is what matters most at this time.  Dropping $2 at the vending machine for an energy drink twice a day is wreaking havoc on my personal finances.  Still, my current job has me working 40 hours/week and that, combined with the almost 100 degree (Fahrenheit) weather we have been having in Minnesota leaves me a drained man at the end of the day with little motivation to do anything but seek out low elevations or public places with air conditioning.

Consequently, I have been having a tough time getting myself to polish my resume and look for that new job.  I had gone 3 days without caffeine prior to this post, but as I dragged myself toward the end of another work day, I caved and bought myself a magic potion that has brought me here.  To make a long post slightly less long, I have concluded that the $2 price is justified if it means gaining the motivation for finding future employment.  Now before I crash I must get to the task at hand.

If you have a love/hate relationship with caffeine, want to compliment or criticize me, or want to offer me a job, please share your stories/opinions/offers in the comments below.


1 comment:

  1. I agree caffeine is addictive! I've gotten to where I don't drink any at work during the week (unless my eyes are closed more than open) and will only drink water, and on weekends I'll drink some soda. Good luck on your battle!!!
