Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Liam Neeson Will Attack You With All of His Weapons!

If you're like me, you have recently seen the action-adventure, romance, sci-fi, western, comedy, what-the-hell-is-this movie: "Cowboys and Aliens" starring Number 13, Indiana Jones, and Bond...Blonde James Bond.

 Now, I chalk it up to peer pressure that I went, what's your excuse?  I heard nothing but terrible things about this movie so I went in with pretty low expectations, and for the most part enjoyed it.  If you want a full review of this movie there are sites for that, I don't feel justified in review a movie that has been out as long as this for my mass of followers.  However, this movie, and more accurately a trailer to this movie, revealed an interesting but not unexpected look into the American movie-goer psyche: we like explosions!

Ever since the ancient Chinese gave the world fireworks as far back as the 7th Century (go Wikipedia!), explosions have fascinated the minds of Kings, Emperors, and the people on whose back they were sitting.  The "Ancient Chinese Secret" did not last however and now Americans have been blowing their fingers off ever since.

Not only do we like shiny fireworks, we get our kicks with what a three year old might call "big a-'sploshunz."  If you look at the film industry today, you don't even need a plot to rake in millions, you simply gotta blow (following adult content not suitable for children) "shit" up.  See: Battle for LA, Transformers 3, Cowboys and Aliens and now...........BATTLESHIP!


Go ahead and watch it, I'll wait.......

No I don't know the answer to the Jeopardy question....but what the hell was that trailer!?

Now, as I said above, I liked Cowboys and Aliens for what it was...just gunfight after explosion after super-powered bone club (it actually had other merits as a Western until the aliens showed up.)  I just hope that this movie tries to live within its means as the same thing.  Any chance to see what the NAVY has to offer is good with me, but these movies aren't going to be anything more than something shiny to distract you for a couple hours.

At the end of the day I thought Cowboys and Aliens was "Awesomely Horrible."  No real plot and most of what happened didn't make sense, but it would be worth the $1 at Redbox some night if you have nothing better to do.  I foresee Battleship being about the same.  I have no idea what that thing in the trailer is supposed to be, but I expect the end of the movie to zoom out to 2 kids playing the classic board-game in a colorfully painted game room. 

I was going to write something about moving (which I just did this last weekend) but watching C&A last night and seeing the Battleship trailer made me want to rant a bit.  I guess this post was kinda like the movie and didn't really accomplish anything but I've effectively taken up about 10 minutes of your time.

If you have had any horribly awesome movie experiences recently or know the name of every ship in the trailer, post it in the comments below for all of the IYLM faithful.

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